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Әрбір сөз - жақсы өмір үшін!

Сәрсенбі, 31 Тамыз 2016

В рамках Центрально-Азиатского торгового форума состоятся встречи В2В с индийскими производителями

7-8 сентября 2016 года в г. Алматы в отеле «Rixos» состоится шестой Центрально-Азиатский торговыйфорум. В этом году тема торгового форума - «Экспортный потенциал и развитие торговли: новые вызовы и перспективы в Центральной Азии». В кулуарах форума Конфедерацией индийской промышленности при поддержке Казахстанско-индийского делового совета (КИДС) по линии Посольства Республики Казахстан в Индии и Посольства Республики Индии в Казахстане будут организованы встречи индийских фармацевтических производителей с казахстанскими партнерами.

В ходе визита индийские предприниматели намерены  изучить возможности сотрудничества с казахстанскими партнерами в данной отрасли, а так же организовать B2B встречу с ними 8 или 9 сентября 2016 года.

В этой связи предлагаем рассмотреть прилагаемый список индийских компаний, которые посетят форум. Если среди них есть компании, которые представляют для Вас интерес и с которыми Вы хотели бы встретиться, просим связаться с координатором по телефону +7 708 521 69 65 (Малика), для дальнейшего уведомления индийской стороны и организации встреч.

CII Business Delegation to Almaty, Kazakhstan
7 - 9 September 2016
List of Confirmations (as on 19 August 2016)

Sl. No.




Business Interest


Mr Vibhu Talwar

Managing Director

Moolchand Healthcare

Interested to meet companies who are into the Healthcare and Hospitality sector.


Mr K. Ravi Kumar Reddy

Managing Director

Axis Energy

To explore opportunities in the renewable energy sector


Mr Vinod Aggarwal


BLS International Services Ltd.

Polymers, Visa Facilities, Education and Smart Cities


Mr Anil Kumar

Chairman and Managing Director

Ankita Overseas Ltd.

Tobacco, home furnishing products, handicraft materials, ferments, paper bags, cattle and animal feeds, health and beauty products, foods and spices and Ayurveda products.


Mr Ramdas Kute

Managing Director

Indu Pharma

To explore market for Ayurveda product including medicated oils, ointments, powders and oral liquids. 


Mr. Prasanna Sarambale

Group Vice President – Business Development & Head – Data Center Practice

Sterling and Wilson Pvt Ltd.

MEP Projects, Solar Projects, Cogeneration Projects, Data Center Projects, 130 KV, 220 KV, 400 KV, 765 KV Substation and Switchyards, DG Sets.


Mr. Pradyot Kumar Paine

National Head – EPC

Sterling and Wilson Pvt Ltd.

MEP Projects, Solar Projects, Cogeneration Projects, Data Center Projects, 130 KV, 220 KV, 400 KV, 765 KV Substation and Switchyards, DG Sets.


Mr Kiran Vasant Kalbag

Director (Exports)

Raymond Limited

The company is interested to meet prospective buyers of garments and fabrics, textile related professionals, businessmen, etc.


Mr Rakesh Pandey

Director (Operations)

Bravo Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.



Mr Nishant Kumar


Bravo Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.



Mr. Nilesh Jhawar

General Manager

Sterling and Wilson  Powergen LLC

Interested to explore their business in LV/HV Panels, DG & After Sales


Mr Sanjay Gupta

Regional Manager (Almaty)

BHEL Limited

BHEL is an integrated power plant equipment manufacturer and one of the largest engineering and manufacturing company engaged in the design, engineering, manufacture, construction, testing, commissioning and servicing of a wide range of products and services for the core sectors of the economy, viz. Power, Transmission, Industry, Transportation (Railway), Renewable Energy, Oil & Gas and Defence.


Mr M Umar

Export Manager

Aquasub Engineering

We are interested in exporting water pumps including Bore well Submersible pumps & Motors. as such we are looking for Distributors / Importers.


Mr Navneet Kumar Malhotra

Senior Vice President - International Marketing & Business Development

Medanta – The Medicity

Interested to meet companies who are into the Healthcare and Hospitality sector.


Mr Dalip Kumar Chopra


Gurdasmal Hospitality and Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd.

Interested to meet companies who are into the Healthcare and Hospitality sector.


Mr Abhijeet Sinha

Chief Manager

KEC International Ltd.

Power Transmission, Sub-Stations, Solar and Infrastructure

Accompanying Person


Mrs Lakshmi Aggarwal

Spouse of Mr Vinod Aggarwal, Chairman, BLS International Services Ltd.


CII Secretariat


Mr Manish Mohan

Regional Director – SAARC & Central Asia

To promote trade and economic cooperation between India and Tajikistan


Mr Ameet Kumar

Deputy Director – SAARC & Central Asia

To promote trade and economic cooperation between India and Tajikistan

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«PharmReview» ЖШС.

Тел.: +7 707 738 99 70.

Директор: Ольга Баимбетова

(e-mail: baimbetova.o@mail.ru).

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